"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Daily Kindness Challenge

And be kind to one another... 
~Ephesians 4:32

Kindness has been on my mind for a long time. I think it is lacking in the world today, and that is sad. The simplicity of kindness is underrated and overlooked, yet it is one of the most powerful forces that a human being can wield. Kindness has the power to change someone's countenance, lift their spirits, alter their actions, and affect the course of their day or even their life. Can you imagine how different your own life would be if the people around you were simply more kind? Or if you were kinder to others?

As I mentioned, I have often thought about kindness, but I've found myself continuously falling short of where I'd like to be. Yesterday, my wonderful cousin, Susan, posted a Facebook status that convicted me, but also sparked an idea. She wrote: "What act of kindness, what deed of love, have you done today? Shouldn't we try to attempt more of them every day?" I was hard pressed to think of something. Actually, I wondered if not punching somebody in the face might count. And, yes, I do think we should try to attempt more acts of kindness daily. As I wondered what I could do, I realized how simple kindness can be. From that, this challenge was born. So, first of all, thank you, Susan, for your inspiration!!

The Challenge: For each day of the week, there will be a specific form of kindness to meditate on and practice throughout the day. I will post a short reminder/summary on Facebook daily, and here on the blog I'll include scriptures, encouragement, and ideas. These are simple daily challenges!

3 Areas of Focus: Kindness is not just for strangers on the street. In this Challenge, we will practice being kind to everyone, including ourselves!

  • Be Kind to Yourself - I listed this one first, because I think kindness should start right here every morning. How can we be kind to others if we are unkind to ourselves? I suspect that this is a key to unlocking kindness in our lives. Remember the second greatest commandment? Love your neighbor as yourself
  • Be Kind to Your Inner Circle - By Inner Circle, I mean those who are closest to you, those you interact with daily or regularly. They are your family, co-workers, close friends, neighbors, etc. Sadly, I think we are often more unkind to these people than we are to total strangers. Time to change that!
  • Be Kind to Your Outer Circle - These are acquaintances, service people (cashiers, receptionists, nurses, etc.) and strangers. You may not know them well, but they are people with their own hopes and struggles, and are deserving of (and sometimes desperate for) your kindness.

The Goal: Simply to be a kinder person. For one week, complete each Daily Challenge by meditating on and practicing the task. Mistakes may happen, but they don't matter. Practice makes perfect, but it takes time. Continue the Daily Challenges for as many weeks as you'd like.

Daily Challenges: Here are links to each day's challege:

So, Kind Reader, I challenge you to join me! Take The Daily Kindness Challenge! Challenge others. Feel free to link this page and share the Facebook posts. Please share your successes, setbacks, and suggestions in the comments.

One Final Note: I know very few people who are downright unkind. Everyone in my own Inner Circle is kind. Yet, I think most of those kind people would agree that we all have some areas where we could do better. We could be more mindful of kindness. I know that I need to be kinder. I need to stop expecting others to be kind to me, and make the first move to be kind to them (and to myself).

Lord, I am so grateful for Your steadfast kindness toward me. Today, I lift up to You each person who takes this challenge and I ask that You lead, guide, and help them along their paths. Please help me to be kinder to the people around me and to myself. Help me to meet each daily challenge, so that people are blessed by my actions, words, and countenance. Help me to make kindness a daily habit. Let me be a vessel through which Your light of kindness shows brightly. Amen.

1 comment:

Susan Tarrant said...

Carol, You are most welcome for the inspiration, lol. That my simple FB post could lead to such an AWESOME blog post and challenge from you blows my mind. In a world full of "what have you done for me lately" attitudes, I think we need to be the catalyst of reaching out to others and see if it spreads. I hope so! Love you beyond measure!