It is an amazing thing to see God move in the midst of His
people and to see them hungrily grab hold of His movement and be filled. I just
spent two weeks in Germany witnessing outpourings of God’s Spirit into two
wonderful churches. In both places, they already knew God and had such close
relationship with Him, but they were hungry for more. They reached out to Him
in faith and received in great measure.
Last night, I was asked what my favorite part of the trip
was. My answer was “the people.” They are so wonderful. They welcomed us into
their homes, their church, and their hearts. They will be in my heart always.
Their names and faces now inhabit my prayers. I was so moved by their eagerness
to learn and their hunger for more of God. Friday night at the Hamburg church,
Pastor Linda called for everyone who wanted more of God to come forward. The
entire church surged to the front of the sanctuary, crowded around the altar,
lifted their hands and praised God. Worship flowed in the prophetic realm with
new songs and uplifted hearts. The sound of heaven came forth in the music. The
people stayed at the altar for most of the service and were hesitant to go back
to their seats. God met His people and touched their lives.
At the last service in the Berlin church, people came
forward for healing prayer and received God’s touch. Then they came forward
again to receive an impartation of the prophetic gift. They were so hungry. And
God filled them. There, too, prophetic worship flowed and new songs came forth.
Our hearts were turned completely to God. We basked in His embrace of love.
Lives were changed. People were set free from bondages. Love filled the
These are the two services that stand foremost in my
memories, but there was so much more. In both churches, we saw the praise &
worship rise to new levels. The musicians broke out of traditions and mindsets
and truly broke through into worshipping God in Spirit and in truth. The
congregations followed and embraced the freedom. Prophetic words went forth in
every service that set the captives free and propelled people into God’s
There is simply too much to write. It was an experience that
is difficult to put into words. But, I would like to share with you a few “snapshots”
that stand out in my memory; people and moments that touched my heart and
glorified God.
An 80+ year old man beamed like the sun itself when he
received a prophetic word about God’s love for him. You could see strength rise
in his heart and in his body. His head and shoulders lifted high as he
displayed the honor of God.
A teenage boy went forth with the evangelism team and boldly
declared Jesus to everyone that would hear. He prayed for a teenage couple, led
them to the Lord, and then discerned that the team needed to pray for the
couples’ protection as they began their walk with Christ.
A beautiful woman received the word of God that she would
speak forth His words, proclaim His glory and break through gender barriers in
ministry. Later, she stepped up and preached with a power that amazed her
church family.
A worship leader fearlessly took a leap of faith and led his
team to a greater level of praise and worship than they had ever experienced.
He poured his heart out to God in worship and his team eagerly followed. I will
never forget the faces of each team member – joy, rapture, love, reverence and
The love of God shined forth in the face of a 92 year old
woman as I prayed for her. I sensed such a great faith and great wisdom in her
that I was in awe. She simply smiled at me and I melted.
A great bear of a man received a prophetic word from God
with such humility and eagerness. He literally hung on every word with tears in
his eyes. He was transformed before our eyes.
A beautiful woman sang out from the congregation with the
voice of an angel, transporting us all into the throne room. She was the
founding pastor’s wife and she was love personified. Her hugs and words of
encouragement got me through that last day of ministry.
In both cities, there were interpreters translating every
word our team preached and taught, then translated to us what was preached and
taught and sang in German. They worked faithfully every day we were in their
cities. They poured themselves out for us and for the Lord. I will never forget
their kindness, patience and selfless service.
Volunteers took our team sightseeing, shopping and drove us
back and forth every day. They fed us wonderfully. They provided us with
schedules, information and met every need we had. They made the experience very
easy and enjoyable for us. I will be forever grateful.
The church leaders embraced us with great compassion and
were eager to receive what God brought forth in us and were eager to pour into
us in return. I was so moved by all these mighty men and women of God.
Mostly, for me personally, I will always remember the
wonderful family in Berlin who took my friend Debra and I into their home and
made us welcome. They took us on special trips through Berlin, talked with us
about God, Germany and America. They fed us generously with the most delicious
food. Their son asked many questions about America and told us much about
Germany; gave me a personal tour through the restaurant buffet line; and
reminded me so much of my own sons that my heart was comforted. This family is
truly an example of God’s love, acceptance and generosity. They are in my
heart. They are my German family.
I am so proud of the team from my church. We all grew closer. We were all stretched in our faith. We were all changed and touched by the wonderful people we met. It was an honor to serve with this powerful team.
Thank you so much to everyone who supported us from home. All your prayers, your giving, your support were so important to us. I could sense the prayers that covered us. I thank God for each of you! I took you to Germany in my heart! May God bless you abundantly!!