"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Monday, August 27, 2012

Catching Up

Oh my, I have been away for far too long!

My last post was on my 49th birthday... only three months ago... well, nearly four. So, what have I been up to? I did a lot of writing in May, none of which I chose to share here. Some things were just for me. Other things are for later. May was a marvelous month! Lots of gardening, lots of heart-to-heart talks with the Lord (funny how those two things tend to go together), the beginning of summer movie blockbusters, and evenings sitting with my sweetheart.

Marvelous May changed into Joyful June (at least for the first half), because it was an extension of all the marvelous things in May... plus one really awesome day of fishing with my Dad and all the extended family. Then June became not so joyful. I had a very nasty fall which resulted in a severely sprained hip and a moderately sprained knee. The rest of June is a fog of pain, medication, crutches and laying back in the recliner because it hurt to sit. I have a very clear, happy memory of my guys taking me to see "The Searchers" at the theater. I had taken a pain pill, so sitting did not hurt too bad. It was so great to see John Wayne on the big screen for the first time in 34 years! Also, I remember my husband doing EVERYTHING! He completely ran the show around here and did an awesome job!!! Our sons were a great help too. I have never seen them so concerned about me. All in all, my guys spoiled me rotten. Except for the pain, it was pretty great!

Most of July is a blur, too. The highlight was that Rick and I had our 25th wedding anniversary. Since I was still on crutches, we could not take the trip that we had planned. That was a major bummer. But, we made the best of it and went out for a movie and dinner. It was lovely. Since our first ever movie date was spent watching a Disney princess - "Sleeping Beauty" - we thought it would be fitting to spend our 25th anniversary date watching another Disney princess; so we went to see "Brave." It was such fun! Then we went out for catfish and after that I was ready for the recliner and more pain meds. Not the wonderful celebration we had hoped for, but it was still very special. Hey, as long as I get to spend my anniversary with my man, then I'm blessed!

The highlight of August was our youngest son's 18th birthday.  I'm still in shock. My baby is grown! How could this happen? But, I have to say that I am very proud of that young man! He is so level-headed, kind and peaceful. I am amazed at his stability. In fact, I am very proud of both my sons! They are amazing men! I thank God for them continually!

So, as September approaches, I find myself on the mend. I am walking much easier. Sitting is still a pain, but I know that all is well. The past few months have been a difficult trial, but the Lord has been with me constantly. I have learned much about patience, healing, humility, faith and simply leaning on Jesus. I have learned that I am not superwoman, nor do I want to be. I've learned that my family can get along without my help, control and interference; but they'd rather not. That makes my heart so warm! I've been reminded what a blessing it is to simply walk. My Heavenly Father has turned this accident to my good in so many ways. I am grateful for His guidance, His companionship, His mercy, His patience and His healing touch. I am grateful for the grace that my husband and sons have extended to me throughout this trial. At times, I have been difficult, depressing and downright despicable. But, they loved me anyway! How absolutely divine is that? To be at your complete worst, yet still be loved!! I am exceedingly abundantly blessed!

Lord, help me to love others when they are at their worst. In fact, sometimes it's hard to love them when they are at their best. Please help me to see the good in them always. Make the eyes of my heart blind to outward appearances, so that I may see the heart of others as You do, Father. Help me to love with Your heart and extend mercy as do You. Thank You, Lord, for Your tender mercies!