"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy Thoughts

As I sat at my computer today, searching for that small sweet spot in my new bifocals that allows me to actually see words clearly, my frustration was eased by my cousin Susie's blog: A few of my favorite things. It brought a smile to my face to read about the things that delight my precious friend. Then, Susie asked me what I love and encouraged me to start my own list today. So, here I am. I want to be grumpy because I can't see well - the world is swimming with every head movement - and my new frames feel so different; but I've decided to think on lovely things instead. The loveliest are those rare or fleeting things that don't come often or remain long, but fill us with warmth, comfort or indescribable joy while they last. I'm reminded of Peter Pan and those happy thoughts that lifted him and his friends off the ground and sent them flying. I'm all out of pixie dust at the moment, but maybe a few happy thoughts will lighten my step. I hope that some are familiar to you as well. Here are my happiest thoughts:

the manifested presence of God that covers like a warm quilt
the silence of snowfall
hearing my husband sing
holding a sleeping baby
dreaming about my mom
the smell of linseed oil as I paint
late night conversations with Jessey
Quinten's zinger remarks that catch me off guard and make me laugh
puppy breath
the morning kitty parade across my desk
a new bloom in the garden
the peaceful hush that follows fervent prayer
the thrill of a thunderstorm
waking up to a slow, steady rain
falling asleep to the sound of my sons' conversation and laughter
girl talk
a hug from a child
fall leaves crunching beneath my feet
that first feeling that the holidays are near
Christmas carols
Christmas morning
a book so good that I miss it when I'm finished reading
seeing a good, suspenseful movie for the first time
new revelation on a familiar scripture
positive feedback at work
digging in the earth
sculpting with clay
homemade chocolate chip cookie dough
chocolate gravy & biscuits
the annual question, "Mom, when are you going to make Christmas cookies?"
the smell of vanilla
telling someone that God truly loves them and seeing them get it
reconnecting with an old friend
realizing that you've made a new lifetime friend
hugging someone that you have deeply missed
pressing past fear to find confidence
the sea at sunrise
the feel of waves pulling and pushing me as I venture deeper
clouds at sunset
an out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere star-filled sky
waking up to a full moon shining in my window, then falling back to sleep
the woods at night
hearing the woods wake up just before dawn
the hush of twilight
leaves dancing in the wind
holding out my arms in a strong wind and feeling that I can fly
my husband's embrace
riding a motorcycle on a country road at night
a dog's quiet company
horseback riding
standing next to my sons and looking up at them
double rainbows
kitty kisses when I'm crying
unexpected blessings
sitting on top of a mountain and hearing God's voice
fourth watch prayer
watching a fire burn down to a bed of embers
cooking Thanksgiving dinner
singing along with my favorite songs when no one can hear
the deep blue of a sapphire
watching my sons grow
glimpses of heaven

Finally, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are right, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think on these things.  ~ Philippians 4:8

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Random Musings on a July Afternoon

So, I took a month off from the blog. I was getting in a box with it and I didn't want to be in a box. I felt like everything was getting too corrective. Do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that. Honestly, I haven't read my blog in a month, so I don't know if I was actually writing that way or just leaning toward writing that way. In either case, I didn't want to write that way. I'm so tired of correction and judgement and the whole "you're doing it wrong" attitude that seems to be pervading the atmosphere. If God had wanted us to run around judging each other, then why would He have sent Jesus to take the judgement for us? Don't get me wrong - correction is a wonderful thing when it is done properly and in season. Otherwise it's just irritating.

Which brings me to... what do I want to write... or rather how do I want to write? I don't know. But flowing is a wonderful thing. Flowing can take you places that you didn't expect to go and reveal some wonderful surprises.

I know one thing that I want to write about... how much God loves us! Oh, that again, you say? Well if you're reading my blog then get used to it. I have an entry in my blog notes that says, "write about His love, over and over again. Now write about Love more. Then do it some more." I think it's that important. When I close my eyes and reach out for my Father's love, it is right there with all the refreshment of cold water on a hot day (BTW - it's a 100 degrees out today, so I'm talking major refreshment). In church today, Pastor talked about the power of our imagination and how God would give us mind-movies to clarify our vision and intensify our faith. I remember one mind-movie that the Lord gave me a few years back, during a very difficult season of my life. I saw myself on a large rock outcropping in the midst of a vast sea of sand. I knew that in that sand, I would sink and struggle and everything would always be shifting. But, on that rock, I was steadfast. I could stand on that rock and know that I would not be moved. When I was tired, I could sit upon the rock and lean back on part of the rock ledge. I could rest on that rock with full confidence that I would not sink or shift. Nothing could move that rock. That's what God's love is to me - an invincible, immovable rock upon which I can rest, stand and live with absolute certainty that it will abide unchangeable beneath my feet. His love is my foundation for being. Throughout that difficult season, I could simply stop, close my eyes and experience the rock. I could feel the stability of that rock beneath me. It gave me priceless comfort. It still does. Do you know that He loves you? Well, He does.

Selah - pause and think about it.

I am excited that I get to celebrate something extra special tomorrow. Rick and I have our 24th wedding anniversary tomorrow. WOW! How awesome is that?! The high school sweethearts that no one thought should be together - married for 24 years! We met when he was 17 and I was 15. We were such kids! Rick and I say that we grew up together. I am so grateful for that. We are best friends and I am grateful for that too.

All the movement outside my window caught my eye, so I just paused in writing to watch all the activity at our bird feeders. The blue jays and sparrows are out in full force (we feed the birds that no one else wants to feed, and the squirrels too). There's also a pair of cardinals. While I was watching, a bird flew up and sat on the garden fence just outside my window. He sang to me. It sounded like he was singing, "Have no fear! Have no fear!" He sang a few verses, then he flew away. What a treat! Nommy the cat, who is perched on the back of my chair, was quite intrigued but remained perched.

How cool is that! I let my writing flow, not expecting to write about birds and I got a surprise!

Enough for today, I guess. It's good to be out of the box. It's good to smile and enjoy the rock. It's good to look forward to a date with my sweetheart tomorrow. It's good to write what is in my heart. Thank you for reading. God loves you!!