"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Calling Forth the Light

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 
~ 2 Corinthians 4:6

It takes the same effort to call forth light as it does to rebuke darkness. Which did God do in the beginning? He didn't have to rebuke the darkness. He simply called forth light. The light dispelled the darkness.

Lately, I've had my ears perked and I've been listening. I've been hearing a lot of rebuking of negative things. But I've not heard as much calling forth of the things of God. Maybe we should be asking ourselves, "where is my focus?" We speak what is in our heart. If our heart is overwhelmed with the negative that we see in others and around ourselves, then those things become our focus. We may become obsessed with ridding our lives of these negative things. So, we rebuke this and that and every thing that seems to be hindering us or our loved ones. How's that been working out for you? Maybe it's time to shift focus.

Of course, as Christians, we have been given authority to overcome darkness and the Lord expects us to exercise that authority. But that does not always involve rebuking the negative. We can take authority over a situation by calling forth God's results. In the beginning, God took authority over darkness by calling forth light. He called that which was not, as though it were. He spoke the end from the beginning. That's what He does. Shouldn't we do likewise?

Sure, there are times that we must speak directly to dark forces and rebuke them. Jesus ordered Satan to get behind Him, when Peter spoke forth temptation. Jesus discerned the spirit that was operating through Peter and dealt directly with the spirit. We must use discernment, as Jesus did, to know what is needed in each situation.

In most situations, Jesus, like His Father, called forth the desired result. Notice that Jesus did not rebuke death when He raised Lazarus. He simply called him forth. Jesus' focus was on His Father, not on death. Why would we want to focus on the stupid devil and his activities when we can focus on our Father and the heavenly treasures that He has made available to us?

When our focus is truly on our Father, on our Lord Jesus and on the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, our words will reflect that focus. We will seek the good things of God and call them forth, rather than jumping at every shadow.

I've been putting the principle of calling forth into practice this week. The results are amazing. My spirit gets so stirred up! Here's a sample of what I've been saying. Give it a try by speaking it out loud.

I call forth the Love of God, shed abroad in my heart, drawing me closer to Him and changing my outlook towards others. I receive His Love now. I am filled to overflowing with it and I give it out freely.

I call forth the Peace of Jesus, given to me by Him before His crucifixion. I put on that Peace like a warm coat that envelopes me with comfort and security. I bask in His Peace.

I call forth the Joy of the Lord, which is my strength. His Joy rings out in my life like a bell. It rises up from within me like effervescent bubbles, filling me with His laughter.

I call forth the Power of the Holy Spirit, against which nothing can stand. That Resurrection Power is alive in me and working through me now and always. I embrace it and move forth in its flow.

I call forth the Wisdom of the Ancient of Days, which is freely given to me at my request. I receive it daily as a fresh download from heaven. His Wisdom orders my steps and directs my path.

I call forth the Healing that was purchased for me by Jesus' stripes. I walk in divine health all the days of my life. I am a child of the Most High God and Healing is my bread. I partake of it and receive it into my flesh.

I call forth the Prosperity of El Shaddai and declare that nothing is missing or broken in my life or my household. I have all sufficiency in all things to abound to every good work.

I call forth Faith... mountain-moving, water-walking, healing-the-blind, raising-the-dead, calling-things-that-be-not-as-though-they-were FAITH!! Let it guide me and keep me in every area of my life, that I may be pleasing to you, Lord.

So, friends, are you stirred up? I know I am. Oh... was there something we needed to rebuke?
I can't seem to remember now....

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