"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Revolution is defined as "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving." The word itself literally means "a turning around."

A revolution is taking place in my life. I've felt it coming for quite some time. God has been preparing me for it. In fact, I believe it has been taking place for many years now. Building, growing - like a foundation being laid. But, what I have sensed lately is a true and lasting turning point. I know it won't happen in one momentous day. Instead, it is happening in increments. A milestone here, a revelation there.

One revelation took place just two months ago, on February 23rd. During a church service I responded to an altar call to let go of some baggage - anger, guilt, unworthiness, fear. While at the altar, the words "I am free" resounded in my spirit. I caught a glimpse of the true freedom that Jesus purchased for me with His sacrifice. I realized that it is more profound than I ever imagined. Since that night, God has been leading me peacefully and steadily along a path of freedom. Breaking off bondages one by one. Healing my shattered heart. Stillness has returned. That stillness where I know that He is God. That stillness where all is well with my soul.

About a month ago, I prayed with a heartfelt supplication, "Lord, please reinvent me." What I have been experiencing since that prayer is not so much a reinvention, but a realigning. God is realigning my perception. Instead of changing who I am, He is causing me to see who I already am through His eyes. I already am the person He created me to be. Maybe not to my fullest potential, but I'm already me. I am in the continual process of being conformed to the image of Christ. I am already the individual creation of a loving Father, a vessel formed with specific details that make me uniquely me. I was never intended to be a carbon copy of every other Christian. I am a part of the body of Christ, the part that God created me to be. He is teaching me to embrace and love His creation - me. As I conform more and more to Christ, I also become more me.

It's that wonderful paradox: He that finds his life shall lose it; and he that loses his life for My sake shall find it. ~ Matthew 10:39

The more I yield my will and my life to the Lord, the more I find my true self. By denying myself, I find myself in Him.

Tonight, I experienced a profound turning point. I had a revelation that set me free from a major bondage in my life. It was not the freedom I expected, but it was the truth that I have so desperately needed. I sat down and cried big, hot tears of relief. I'm not ready to share it yet, but I will.

Revolution has arrived! Praise God!!

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