"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Friday, August 27, 2010

Theater Therapy (or, Why I Love Action Movies)

I find it amusing how everyone sees me as so nice, sweet and easy-going. I have had many people compliment me on these characteristics. Some have even asked me how I do it. I smile and give credit where credit is due - Jesus lives in my heart and I try my best to let Him shine through. But... I AM human. There are those times when my flesh overrides my spirit. When that happens, I go for my secret weapon - Theater Therapy! And I'm not talking sweet little kiddie movies, tearjerkers or romances; I'm talking fist-flying, shoot 'em up, hooves pounding (or tire squalling), fireball-filling-the-sky-kaboom-filling-your-ears action!! Those are my hands-down favorites!

Aristotle coined the term catharsis in connection to theater. He used the term to describe the emotional cleansing experienced by the characters or the audience of a play. Audiences often feel a release of pent-up emotions or energies in response to the drama they watch. That is an exceptional description of what happens to me when I watch movies. I do enjoy all kinds of movies, including kids movies, tearjerkers, romances and comedies. And I do experience some level of catharsis from all of them. But, action movies are the best. Why?

What can I say? I was raised on westerns! On TV... Big Valley, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, Cheyenne, Bronco Lane, Sugarfoot, High Chaparral, Rawhide, Lancer, Rifleman, Lone Ranger... you name it, I watched it! And movies? John Wayne has always been (and still is) my favorite! It's so thrilling to watch horses running across the plains with their hooves flying and their nostrils flared, riders firing at each other and the shots echoing. The Searchers, The Three Godfathers, True Grit... and later... Tombstone and Silverado. I love it.

Sadly, there are only a handful of westerns that I actually got to see on the big screen. Most of them were before my time. Back in the 80's, I came to the disheartening realization that westerns were out. So, I latched on to Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Wow! Now there was action!! And the creature features - Jaws, Aliens, Predator - action AND hunting of bad beasties...cool! I remember sitting in a theater watching Terminator 2 and having an epiphany. There's Schwarzenegger, riding the motorcycle, chasing the bad guy in the diesel truck, and Arnie fires his shotgun and chambers the next round by twirling the gun!!! The same move that John Wayne used!!! So, I realize, these action movies are the new westerns!! I began to see all the similarities. Horses = motorcycles or cars or spaceships. Guns are guns whether they shoot bullets or lasers. Bad guys are still bad and the good guys still need to defeat them. And don't forget those one-liners!

So, this realization could not have come at a better time. It was the early 90's and I was at home all day with small children. About once a month or so, I would announce to Rick that I needed Theater Therapy. He would smile (I just love him for that) and watch the kids while I went to sit in a dark theater and watch tough guys blow stuff up. Die Hard, Con Air, Stargate, Armageddon, Speed, Executive Decision, Men in Black, The Rock, Mission Impossible, Escape from L.A. (yes, I know it was really bad... but "call me Snake"...c'mon), and the list goes on. I would go home feeling better and ready to deal with my toddlers again! All the frustrations and repressed emotions had been blown away.

Rick and I actually got to see some movies together in those days and that was quite a treat - Jurassic Park, Cliffhanger, The Matrix, Independence Day, Twister, Backdraft... oh yeah! So, it's no surprise that we now have two sons who love action movies. Today we all went to see The Expendables. It rocked! Although, someone should tell Stallone that words like "relationship", "emotional" and the phrase "I love poetry" should be left out of future scripts! So, my favorite parts? Jet Li vs. Dolph Lundgren, the BIG GUY with the BIG SHOTGUN, and the general mayhem that is the climax. I feel better after the past month of pulled muscles, ceramic tile, deadlines, and oppressive hot weather. I can be a nice person again.

People are often shocked when they find out I watch such violent movies. At times, I've been judged and told that "Christians shouldn't watch those things." Yes, I do believe that we should all be careful what we subject our eyes and ears to. And I believe that different people have different tolerances. There are certain kinds of movies that I absolutely will not watch. When I rededicated my life to the Lord in 2001, I stayed away from certain movies for a year or so, while the Lord did a work in my heart. Now, I find that the Lord uses most of the movies I watch to teach me, inspire me, or just plain get my fight back. The world tends to wear me down. I get battle weary. I get to that place where giving up starts to be an option. But watching a good battle up on that screen inspires me to stand and fight the good fight of faith another day. God created me to be a warrior. Sure, my kind of warfare is done in prayer in the spiritual realm; but sometimes that warrior needs to come out and play! As Jessey loves to remind me, I'm that 43-year-old woman that freaked out two Karate instructors!

Do I worry about the violence I see in movies? No. The Bible is full of it. I remember reading about Jael driving the tent stake through Sisera's head (Judges 4). I jumped up and cheered!! Besides, I've read the end of the Book. The greatest of all good guys, Jesus, rides in on a white horse for the final showdown and defeats that nasty bad guy, satan!! Classic western! I can't wait to see that one!!!

1 comment:

Susan Bunn Tarrant said...

I am so glad you wrote this! Sometimes I need theater therapy too. Yes, I went to see The Expendables too. I saw a couple of my younger customers from the bank there; but they didn't see me. The next time I waited on them, I asked how they liked the movie. You should have seen the shock on their faces. LOL! "YOU saw THAT movie?" Ha ha.