"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Friday, May 4, 2012

Goodbye and Hello

So Long 48! You've been a challenging, often painful, yet amazing year!
  • You began with breakfast in bed and ended with potato patties in the recliner. Pretty awesome.
  • You were the year that I finally conquered the weeds in my big flower bed. Ha ha! I won!
  • You were the year I expanded the rose garden (weeds, you don't stand a chance).
  • You were the year that my oldest turned 21 and my youngest turned 17 - my sons becoming young men. Sigh.
  • You were another year of my husbands love. You were the year that he told me, "I know what you are called to. I know the gift that God has placed in you. I know the strength that is in you." Wonderful!!
  • You were the year that I stood against fear and traveled across the ocean for the first time. I spent two weeks wrapped in the peace, grace and protection of God in a greater measure than I have ever known. Amazing!
  • You were the year that I said goodbye to one more tooth. Bummer.
  • You were the year that I walked under the shadow of failure with my head held high regardless of the pain in my heart. You were also the year that I walked out from under that shadow and declared, "I am free." Joyous relief.
  • You were the year that I realized depression has truly been defeated because I found out that if I do go to bed and pull the covers over my head, I can't stay there anymore. At last.
  • You were the year of triumph over tax debt! Yes!
  • You were the year of the new big screen television... in HD... with blu-ray... and surround sound.  It's like seeing all our favorite movies for the first time. Awesome!!
  • You were the year Squirt the turtle died. Sad. Then all the fish died. But, that's what fish do. They die. So, we bought more fish. But, I still miss the turtle sometimes.
  • You were the year we built the shed in the backyard. Building it was torture, but I'm so glad we did. :)
  • You were the year I started making jewelry for myself, to enhance my beauty. Yes, you were the year I decided to accept that I am. Finally.
  • You were the year that some dear ones moved to heaven. I look forward to a future with them. Tah-tah for now.
  • You were the year that God blessed me with some treasures that I thought were lost. Thank you, Lord.
  • You were the year of a million simple pleasures: My sons saying "thank you, that was good" for meals that I cooked. Rick's kisses and smiles. Watching the birds and squirrels at the feeders. Sitting and talking in the garden. My entourage (the dogs) following me down the hall. Kitties purring on my lap.
I'm sure there was much more to you 48, but it's time to move on now. So, farewell.

Hello 49! Welcome to my life! I am excited about you. Together, you and I will make the transition to my next decade. Let me tell you what you will be....
  • You will be a year of a million simple pleasures. Some familiar. Some new.
  • You will be the year that I have a deeper, closer relationship with God than ever before.
  • You will be the year that I truly accept myself for the wonderful creation that I am.
  • You will be the year that Rick and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.
  • You will be the year that Quinten turns 18. Both my sons grown into men.
  • You will be the best year I've ever lived.
So, welcome 49! You come to me today, clean and fresh and full of possibilities! There are adventures ahead and I am ready to meet them. I am reminded of a recent dream... at my left hand was a rejection letter, which I crumpled and threw away. At my right hand was an endless field of lilies with tall stalks of buds just about to bloom. I walked along that field and stretched my hand across the buds, touching them lightly as I passed, knowing the beauty that was about to bloom. I embraced the joy of what is to come.


Susan Bunn Tarrant said...

Beautiful! Just like you!

Carol Ann Welch said...

Thank you, my dear friend and faithful reader!

Anonymous said...

Many wonderful adventures to come! Love you.