"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Remembering the Adventure

There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. ~ Hebrews 4:9-11

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:6-7

This month marks the one year anniversary of my trip to Germany. I have thought of that trip quite often in the past two weeks. It was such a wonderful adventure with the Lord! I have so many fond memories of the people I met, the places I visited, the church services, the worship and especially the fellowship I had with the Lord during that time. 

Looking back, I realize just how difficult it was for me to make that journey. I don’t think anyone but God and my husband understood the emotional and psychological torture I had to overcome in order to get to the airport and board that plane. For months in advance of that trip, I prayed through the fourth watch almost every night. I shed tear after tear. I knew that the Lord wanted me to go, but I asked again and again, “Are you sure, Lord?” Of course He was sure, but I wasn’t. Through prayer, He convinced me. Through prayer, He strengthened me and quieted my fears. I had to know, beyond all doubt, that God would be with me on the trip. I knew myself all too well, and knew that I could not do it apart from Him. I knew my shyness, my fear of crowds and strangers, and my tendency to have panic attacks in unfamiliar situations. I knew how hard the separation would be on my family and me. I knew that the trip would be physically challenging. Also, I knew it would be a constant reminder of what I had secretly labeled My Great Failure – I was going on the trip as a team member, not the team leader. That particular wound was still very raw at the time and I cried great tears about it, right up to the day I left for the airport.

But, God….

Telling my family goodbye at that airport was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life! Yet, as soon as I passed security and set my mind on the trip ahead, a great peace began to cover me. The two flights were grueling, but through His grace, I endured. Once we arrived in Germany, I found myself adapting very easily. The next two weeks were absolutely miraculous!! I was still me, and I could still feel that fear and timidity on the inside; but Christ rose up in me in a way that I have never experienced. I was in the presence of God constantly. I was in fellowship with Him at all times, conversing with Him under my breath or in my thoughts. Prayer flowed from my lips continually when I was alone. A great peace settled upon me and remained throughout the trip. I never understood the phrase, “entering into His rest” until then. For those two weeks, I walked in a level of peace, rest and faith that I have never known before or since (although it has come close recently). 

The effects of God’s presence and grace were profound! I found myself talking to strangers and making friends quickly. I slept peacefully each night and awoke refreshed and ready to go. In fact, I was the only person on our team that slept so well. Quite a miracle for a woman who usually has insomnia! Not only did I awake refreshed, but I usually awoke just before my alarm sounded. Whenever I had the opportunity to catch a nap, I would pray and ask the Lord for 15 minutes, an hour, or whatever time was available. I would then set my alarm for that time. I always went right to sleep and woke up just before the alarm.  Physically, I handled the trip much better than I expected. Sure, the long walks and many stairs wore me out, but not too badly. I was amazed at my endurance! My back and knees held up very well. I had back pain only one night (and that was from the stress of dealing with a very difficult person); but as soon as I talked to Rick on Skype, he prayed and the pain left. 

Food was another miracle. Usually, I am a very picky eater. However, during the trip I ate whatever was offered me and loved it! It was amazing! Also, I am a very organized person that always wants to know where I am, where I am going, when I will go, and who is taking me.  I am always the navigator on every trip, constantly consulting maps. While in Germany, I never looked at a map. I could not tell you how to get from the host home to the church or back. I simply trusted others with the schedules and the details. That was a first for me. And in the midst of it all, I had a great, abiding peace. The Lord was as close as my own breath. 
God’s great favor was with me throughout the journey. My roommate and I agreed that we had the best accommodations in both cities. We were blessed with extra sightseeing trips in Berlin, courtesy of our wonderful hosts. In Hamburg, we were blessed with an internet connection courtesy of our generous upstairs neighbor. We were well-fed, well-cared for, and well-loved in both cities. She and I got along beautifully and so enjoyed each other’s company.  

Teaching and ministering came very easily. I had been very concerned about working with a translator, but it was not a problem at all. In fact, it felt perfectly natural as I fell into the rhythm of speaking and pausing for the translator.

Ministering in Germany was an amazing adventure. I will be forever grateful to God and to my former pastor for including me in the experience. I loved the people, the churches and the cities of Berlin and Hamburg. I was awed to see the power and love of God poured out on His people. On a personal level, the growth that I experienced in my relationship with God was priceless. I have tasted of the great peace, grace and favor of God and I long for more. My goal is to live daily in that level of faith, experiencing those great treasures that His love provides.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is so amazing! I LOVE to watch HIM use you!