"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Starting NaNoWriMo in the Middle

A friend of Quinten's is participating in NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month (November). So when he told me about it last Thursday evening, I got excited. Sure it was already halfway through the month - literally, it was November 15 - but I decided to give it a go anyway. Hey, I'm up for a challenge!

NaNoWriMo is an annual competition held by a non-profit to encourage writers to write. The goal is to write 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days (Nov. 1-30). Anyone who reaches the goal is declared a winner. The prize - bragging rights!

I have wanted to write a novel for as long as I can remember. I have started about five, I think. So, I saw this as a wonderful discipline/learning experience. Yes, I was pretty intimidated by the fact that I'm starting at a significant handicap, having lost half the month. But even if I only reach 20,000 words, hey I will have written 20,000 words! This is a win-win situation. After reading a few forums on nanowrimo.org, I learned that lots of folks have started halfway through or even later and still won! Inspiring!

So, I am officially signed up and writing a novel. In just 48 hours, I have already written 6,222 words! The guys are being very supportive. Today I wrote while the guys hung Christmas lights. I gophered for them when they needed it, but I also wrote - a lot. Most importantly, I am having a blast!! Anyway, there will be no more blogs this month, because I will be busy writing a novel! My word count will be updated daily on the image above. Prayers and encouragement will be greatly appreciated. See you in December! In the meantime: Happy NaNoWriMo and Happy Thanksgiving!!

NaNoWriMo Journal:

11/19/12 - Amazingly, I have written 10,107 words in 3 days. I have a plot, characters and cliffhangers. I am learning the value of simply belting out a rough draft (and I do mean rough) as quickly as possible. No edits, no analyzing, no obsessing. Just record the story as it plays out in my head. Skipping chapters is okay when I don't quite have a part figured out yet. I just make a few notes of what I expect to write in that chapter, then move on with the story. I now understand what has shut me down in previous novels - you can't create and analyze at the same time. Pure creation is wonderful. It's like a locomotive, driving forward with power and momentum. Now, back to work!

11/30/12 - Nanowrimo was a great success. I passed 50,000 words with two days to spare. Most importantly, I completed the rough draft of a novel. Much editing to do... after the holidays. It was an amazing experience to allow myself to just create. I loved chasing the story and getting to know the characters. It was hard work that often left me mentally exhausted, with aching arms and shoulders from so much typing. But it was worth the effort.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

On the Other Side

It is such a comfort to come from a family of faith, and to know that there is life on the other side of death. Yes, it’s still difficult and painful when a family member crosses over. But it’s good to have comfort in the knowledge of Heaven.

I think of families back in the pioneer days, when some would decide to load up a wagon and head west. I think of those family members that were left behind, not knowing what their loved ones were enduring or whether they were even still alive. They wondered if they would ever see their westward-bound family again, and so waited expectantly for news or a letter. Some of those who went west were never heard from again. The family back home would never know their fate.

When a member of my family dies, I think of them as making a journey. In some ways it’s like sending them off in a wagon train to a distant land that I have never seen, sure that I will never meet them again in this life. It’s hard to let go and the grief is overwhelming. I don’t know exactly what it will be like for them, what kind of an adventure it will be, or what their new home will look like. But, I have the comfort of knowing they will be safe beyond all pain and suffering. Even though this world will be emptier without them, even though I will miss them terribly, I find joy in the knowledge that my loved one is safely home.

Like the song says, I can only imagine what it is like on the other side. The Bible tells me enough to assure me that it is beautiful, lavish, joyful and secure. Sometimes I catch glimpses here and there – the sight of a long-gone family member who is now young and vibrant, a joyous voice that was so familiar here on earth, a glorious mist, angelic voices lifted in praise, and colors that are vivid beyond imagination. I can almost catch the excitement and anticipation that my heavenly family shares just before a loved one leaves us to join them. That great cloud of witnesses prepares to receive one home. I believe there is such grand rejoicing at their homecoming! Oh, what it must be like for the one who has just crossed over! How wonderful to finally reach that destination, to finally embrace those you have sorely missed, to meet generations of family for the first time, and to finally at long last be home! What a great and glorious joy it must be to finally meet Jesus face to face!

For those of us still on this side, as we say our goodbyes in the midst of our deep grief, let us lift our eyes and hearts in hope and perhaps catch a glimpse of the jubilant reunion taking place on the other side.

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:54

HDR photo at top of page by Rick Welch, copyright 2012