"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Be Still and Know...

"Be still, and know that I am God!" ~ Psalm 46:10

I began an art journal in January of this year, and this was one of my first entries. I spent a good deal of time on it, both drawing it and researching for it. It began with just the scripture and the girl on the Rock. That was my original inspiration, and I sketched it out fairly quickly and inked it. Just a little drawing floating in the midst of the page. The more I meditated on that one scripture, the more I saw on that page. For me, scripture meditation usually includes looking up words to get deeper meaning. So I decided to include two definitions and some synonyms - you can see them in the waves.

  • Stillness: a state of freedom from storm or disturbance; peace, tranquility, hush, calmness, rest, shh.
  • Knowledge: awareness or familiarity gained by experience; realization, understanding, comprehension, wisdom, perceive, grasp, discern.

The drawing came together piece by piece. Part of Psalm 91 is written in the rain. The clouds are filled with scriptures of the Lord's victory. His names form the Rock on which I rest.

I was in the midst of some storms when I drew this. Two beloved family members were in the hospital. Outcomes were uncertain. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, and in physical pain. The Lord used this drawing to hold me together and keep my focus on Him. Today, both family members are well. God knew. I didn't. So He had me write victory in the clouds and security in the rain, even when I couldn't see it around me. Isn't He wonderful?

Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorite scriptures. This is the message I receive from the Lord more than any other. So many times, when I pray for an answer or direction, I hear that still, small voice say, "be still, and know that I am God." He reminds me that He is in control and I'm not. My part is to be at peace and trust Him. Trusting Him gets easier all the time, as I gain experience with Him in my life. I see His goodness, His grace, and His love. It's comforting to trust someone that you know loves you absolutely and completely. No matter what. I still struggle with the peace part, but I'm learning. I still get depressed, overwhelmed, angry, and frustrated. I still have panic attacks. However, the wonderful difference is that these things don't move me the way they once did. It is such a victory for me to say that! I may forget at times, lift my head and consider the storm around me; but I don't move off the Rock! I remember His promises.

A church elder once commented that she was afraid I would lose ground if I stepped down from a leadership position in the church. At the time, I was frightened of that too. In fact, all the years I went to church regularly, I was afraid that if I ever stopped going, I would lose the spiritual ground I had gained. I've been out of church for a few years now and that fear is gone. I believe it's been a season just as important as the season I spent in church. I'll admit that I've lost some things. I've lost some Pharisee-like thinking and attitude. I've lost some legalistic, unlovely doctrines that are not supported by scripture, no matter how often they continue to be preached. Goodbye and good riddance. What I haven't lost is my faith, my love of God, my trust in Him. I haven't lost spiritual ground. How could I lose these things when I wholeheartedly believe that He, the Author and Finisher of my faith, keeps them for me, holding them tightly in the nail holes of His hands.


Lord, thank you for teaching me to be still and know....


Unknown said...

Carol,this is absolutely beautiful and true. I love you!

Susan Tarrant said...

I Love This!!! The picture is amazing and the testimony inspiring. God uses you to touch so mamy others. Love you!

Susan Tarrant said...

I Love This!!! The picture is amazing and the testimony inspiring. God uses you to touch so mamy others. Love you!

Carol Ann Welch said...

Thank you both! Your encouragement is always appreciated! Love you, too!