"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Note to Self... Don't Take It Personally

Why do we take everything so personally?

If we are doing what God has called us to do and we encounter resistance or outright rejection, it's not us personally that is being rejected. It's the light that shines through us. Jesus said that we would be rejected because He was. Why are we so surprised and hurt when it happens? Don't take it personally.

If we've missed it and have made a mistake and someone points it out or bawls us out, chances are that our mistake has reminded them of their own imperfections. Accept the correction and discard the emotion. Don't take it personally.

If we are falsely accused and our reputation is tainted, we are in good company. Jesus lived through it and so can we. He has promised to be our advocate and vindicator. Don't take it personally.

If people are talking about us behind our backs and speculating on our lives through gossip and assumption, then they don't know us well enough to speculate or assume anything in the first place. Don't take it personally.

If people are talking us down in order to bolster themselves up and cover up their own guilt, then they are more concerned about themselves than about us anyway. Don't take it personally.

If our feelings are hurt, our emotions are all in a jumbled mess, our anger is flared and we feel an overwhelming urge to defend ourselves and tell everyone how right we are and how wrong they are; then we have taken it personally.

If we find ourselves short on patience and compassion and annoyed by anyone and everyone that does not see it our way; then we have taken it personally.

If we find ourselves leaving a trail of hurt, discouraged people in our wake... people who we don't associate with anymore, are glad that they're gone, and hope we don't run into in the future; then we've taken it personally.

If we can remember that we are caught up in a battle that is greater than ourselves, an ageless battle between Good and evil; then we will know that it is not about us. We won't take it personally.

If we can remember that we don't live in and of ourselves, that Christ lives in us and our life is hidden in Him; then we will truly see that He is our shield and nothing can harm us. We won't take it personally.

If we truly love God with all our heart, our soul, our mind and our strength; then we will be empowered to love our neighbor as ourselves. We won't take it personally.

If His love is perfected in us; then all fear of rejection, failure, insecurity and the like will be cast out of us. We won't take it personally.

Why can I know this, write this, but not live this?

Lord, Your love is perfect. Please, help me to decrease myself, so that You are increased in me.

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