"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Random Musings

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend
My little gold Chevy Blazer is gone. The insurance company totaled it after Jessey's fender bender (still praising God that he was not hurt). We signed it over on Friday. It has been a fairly faithful vehicle for 10 years and I was a little sad to see it go. Oh well. Let the car hunting frenzy begin!

Just a bit of my kitchen.
Kitchen Remodel Update
Ceramic tile floor - finished! Painting, walls and trim - finished! Countertops and back splash - later! Decorating and hanging of pretties - in progress. We finished what we set out to do, namely tile and paint. Countertops and back splash can wait until next year. Other than some reorganizing and finding new storage homes for things that no longer fit in the laundry room, and hanging a few other things, we are done! The kitchen looks so different and I love it! Rick and I did a denim faux finish on the walls that we are very pleased with. My sweetheart even went the extra mile and added light to my formerly dark pantry! Yea Rick! And in an unexpected turn of events, the laundry room got a big boost with fresh paint and a...

Our new washer.

New Washer and Dryer!!
God made a way where there was no way. We were blessed with a brand new, secret desire of my heart, washer and dryer. They are incredibly easy, efficient, luxurious and so very quiet. They are even blue. Our 23-year-old, still working, but slow and noisy, washer and dryer were passed down to Rick's niece who no longer has to go to the laundromat! Yea God!!

Back Update
Yes, the kitchen cost me! After pulling muscles in my back and side while painting the walls, I rested for a week, got better; then painted the trim and pulled them all over again and worse! I could not raise my right arm, bend or twist without severe spasms. Yet, I couldn't seem to behave and it hurt for weeks in spite of the continual dosage of pain pills and muscle relaxants. Which, in my complete lack of any sense, I decided to stop all at once after a month solid. Let me just say - (shudder) horrible. It is a testimony to my family's love that they still live here. In any case, when I finally obeyed my wise husband and s-t-o-p-p-e-d lifting, bending, painting, cleaning and pretty much anything involving back movement; it got better. Imagine that! It is a purely wonderful, grand and precious thing to be pain free. I am behaving myself in order to remain that way. I have had to learn to work at the computer in spurts, because sitting in one place for more than an hour or two is a no-no.

Cool Weather and the Garden Beckons
My garden angel reminds me to rest.
I love Autumn!! Rick and I met in the Fall, just as the weather was cooling; so I am always reminded of romance (sigh). Anyway... with temperatures in the 60's and 70's, I would rather be outdoors than in and lately that means in the flower garden (I haven't graduated to vegetables yet, but I can dream). My wonderful guys Rick and Quinten actually weeded my flower bed for me recently because I couldn't do the work myself. So, I have been able to just sit in my garden, rest my back and enjoy!! Absolutely delicious!

Oil Painting... soon

You know, it's hard to paint when I can't lift my right arm without crying. My oil painting was put on hold for awhile during the remodel and subsequent physical fiasco. But, like the garden, it beckons. There was a dark period a while back when I could not stand to look at the unfinished canvas waiting on my easel. Thankfully, that has changed. I look at it and I SEE it. I am drawn in to the story it tells. I am eager for the feel of the brush, the scent of linseed oil and the sight of the colors of Heaven. Soon. I raise my right arm to test its readiness. Very soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! On all the above! So glad you are filling better and can't wait to see new paintings soon. I have one of your mother's early works hanging in my bedroom; makes me smile everytime I look at it.
~ Susie