"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Random Musings of Snow Days

Snowy Day Garden
Snow Day Weather: BRRRR! It is cold today!! I woke up this morning to teen temperatures and negative wind chill factors. Snow still covers the ground from yesterday's snowfall. Schools and many businesses are closed. The world is quiet as most people have gone into hibernation to wait out the weather. A perfect time to write a little personal blog. I've been hitting the Bible study blogs pretty heavily lately, so I thought this would be a nice change. 

Snow Day Adventure: Rick suggested that we go out for breakfast yesterday to check out the roads. About an hour later, I decided I was up for an adventure, so I agreed. I almost changed my mind when the passenger door on the truck would not open. It was frozen shut. The windshield wipers were frozen in place too. After sliding down our street and struggling with a hill, Rick decided to put the truck in four-wheel drive. He announced, "Now we'll get some traction." Then made a left turn and slid sideways down that street. I thought it was all funny until he made a right-on-red turn onto Highway 10. There were cars coming! Granted, they were a block away and doing about 10 miles per hour, but they were coming. And we were sliding again. Sideways, very slowly, down the highway, ahead of the other slowly moving cars. It was like being chased by zombies. We did actually make it to breakfast, and home safely. On the way home, we watched a big duel-wheel truck slide very slowly through a red light that he was trying to stop for. He never did get stopped. Thankfully, no one was moving toward him. The car across the intersection was just spinning, not going anywhere. It was quite a hilarious adventure!
Jessey making hot chocolate

Quinten on his 2nd day of the WoW Snow Day Marathon
Snow Day Gratitude: The boys are delighted to be out of school. Jessey is thankful that he has extra time to study for the test that was scheduled for today. He's also thankful that he does not have to drive his freshly painted car on treachery roads. Quinten is thankful for my decision that homeschoolers should get snow days too. Guess what he's doing? WoW! You're right! Quinten and I ventured outside last night to find out what 10 degree weather actually felt like. Despite my heavy coat, I was shivering in less than two minutes. Quinten insisted that it was not that bad.

Snow Day Accomplishments: I've been taking advantage of the lovely snow-reflected light that is shining into the studio - I've been painting. I have two in the works now. One is a seascape/beach scene. The other is a riverside scene that I began years ago, but never finished. I may title it "Letting Go." We'll see. Are you intrigued? I had to stop painting, though, and let both dry. One of the things I love about oil painting is the technique of layering. But that requires down time between layers. Nothing teaches you patience like waiting for paint to dry. 
Maow in her Snow Day camping spot on my bed.

Nommy on her Snow Day perch
Snow Day Pets: Did I mention that it's cold? The studio was so cold yesterday that we let the cats into our bedroom. They both slept on me last night. I didn't complain. We kept each other warm. Maow has staked out a spot on the bed and is camped there for the duration. Nommy can't be still that long. She played hunting cat from her perch today, while watching the squirrels and the birds in the back yard. Shadow and Faith made a record quick trip outside yesterday morning; but by afternoon they had decided that the snow was fun. They chased around, kicked up the snow and bit it. Twice yesterday, I had to make them come in so they wouldn't freeze.The dogs had one of their favorite treats earlier. After Jessey topped his hot chocolate with whipped cream, he squeezed out a bit for the dogs. It's so much fun to watch them catch falling whipped cream in mid-air. And if they miss, they clean up the mess themselves!
Shadow & Faith getting their Snow Day treat

Snow Day Question: "What are you doing?!" - which was asked of my repeatedly as I snuck up on people to take pictures of them. I'm sure the pets were thinking the same thing.

Snow Day Bliss: Family safe at home, enjoying the day. Getting to spend some time doing what I love.

My sweetheart is a good cook!

Snow Day Blessing: My wonderful husband cooking dinner! Cheesy Chicken Casserole is great comfort food on a cold night! Later, there will be a movie and munchies!

Snow Day Prayer: Lord, thank you for this day of much-needed rest. Also, thank you for the beautiful snowy landscape outside my window. Please keep all my friends and family safe today and blanket them with the warmth of your love. In Jesus' Name - Amen.

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