"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Find-No-Fault Friday

The Daily Kindness Challenge

Therefore be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven.
~ Luke 6:36-37

Ready for the weekend? Let's celebrate the end of the workweek by giving everybody a great big break today! No complaining about people, no talking bad about people, no judging people, and no condemning people.

Wow! That's asking a lot for a Friday. Let's face it - we all have people who get on our last nerve. And we love to vent about it! It feels so good to just get it all out in a good gripe. But, I read somewhere recently that venting is not as great as we've all thought. It tends to stir us up more than calm us down. I've been paying attention since I read that, and I suspect there may be some wisdom to it. Complaining about a person certainly affects our overall attitude toward them, as does listening to someone else complain about them. If we stopped looking for and talking about people's faults, would we be kinder to them? To others? To ourselves?

Want a real challenge? Give yourself a break today! Stop judging yourself so harshly. God loves you! Surely, He's not wrong about what a great person you are. ;)  Be kind to yourself today by not knocking yourself down. Focus on your strengths.

Today, our goal is to overlook faults and keep a positive attitude toward others and ourselves. Yesterday, we practiced thinking well of people. Today we are ignoring the not-so-good, and actively looking for the good. When you're tempted to complain, praise instead. Find something good to say. End the week on a positive note. It's okay to be happy.

Have a kind day!

Lord, thank you for your great mercy! Thank you for forgiving my sins. Please help me to overlook faults in others and in myself. Help me to complain less and stop judging others critically. Help me to see the good in others and in myself. I pray this for the people taking this challenge, too. Help them to see past faults and find good. Help us all to be kind. Amen.

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