"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Smiling Saturday

The Daily Kindness Challenge

...for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
~ Nehemiah 8:10

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance....
~ Proverbs 15:13

Smiling is the simplest form of kindness. It is an immediate positive connection between two people. I don't have to tell you how good it feels to be smiled at, or to smile back. You already know this. I'm sure you've heard that smiles are contagious, and that they release endorphins that relieve stress. You know all the reasons why you should smile. But maybe you need a reminder to just do it.

So go ahead, smile. Spend your Saturday smiling. After all, it is Saturday! Smile at your family and friends. Smile at that grumpy neighbor. Smile at that harried waiter and that busy cashier. Smile at your pets.

Easy, you say? Okay, so how about that one person that you really don't want to smile at today. Smile at them! If you don't see them today, smile while you're thinking about them. Ha! I challenge you to do that!

No problem, you say? Then I challenge you to smile at.... yourself! Go stand in front of the mirror, look yourself square in the eyes and SMILE! For at least 5 seconds. I dare you! I double-dog dare you to do it every time you look in the mirror today! Stop looking at your hair, or your makeup, or your waist, or your thighs. Look into your own eyes and smile at the person in there. Powerful stuff.

Maybe you are so far down today that you just don't have a smile in you. I've felt that way. A lot. Sadness shows on my face. When Rick sees that I'm down, he tells me to smile. He gets persistent. So, I fake it. I've learned that if I fake it long enough, it sticks. It becomes genuine. If you're having one of those down days, I encourage you to at least try a fake smile. Watch a funny show, or read a few jokes. Maybe a smile will sneak up on you. When it does, share it with someone.

And don't forget to soak up all the smiles that are directed at you today. Look for them. Notice them. Acknowledge them. ENJOY them!

Have a kind day!

Lord, thank you for joy! Please strengthen me with Your joy today and let it radiate from my face. Help me to smile more. Help me to smile to people, rather than at them. Please bless each person that I smile to today and minister to their needs. Be with all who have accepted the Smiling Saturday challenge today. Give them joy and peace. Amen.

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