"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wonderful-Works Wednesday

The Daily Kindness Challenge

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. 
~ Matthew 5:16

But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. 
~ Luke 6:27-28

Wednesday is good deeds day! Put kindness to work and do something wonderful for someone today - a loved one, a co-worker, a stranger. You can even do something nice for yourself! When's the last time you did that? If you're one of those amazing people that gives until you're empty and keeps going another hundred miles, then you deserve a treat once in a while. It's called self-care and it's an important part of mental and physical health. It helps you to be a well-balanced, kinder person.

Stumped on what to do? Here are a few ideas:

  • Take a co-worker out to lunch.
  • Give a homeless person a gift card.
  • Pay for the person behind you at the drive-thru. (This is really fun! It freaks out the folks at the window.)
  • Write a note to a friend telling them how great they are.
  • Pick up a dropped item for someone.
  • Get something off a high shelf for someone at the store (especially elderly folks in carts).
  • Compliment someone or tell them that you appreciate them.

I'm sure you can think of lots more. One of my favorite family memories involves a good deed. We pulled up to a red light and noticed two young men trying to push a car out of the intersection. Rick and both our sons quickly jumped out of the truck and ran to help. I switched to the driver's seat and followed them with the flashers on. They got the car off the road and it so happened that the passenger was a guy we knew who worked at Gamestop. He and his friend were so appreciative of the help! You never know what little thing you can do that means tons to someone.

If you really want a challenge today, then read over the second scripture again and do a good deed for someone that burns your biscuits. Yes, praying for them counts as a good deed. Or go the extra mile and bless them with a gift card, a kind note, or something really imaginative. Remember, both scriptures above were spoken by Jesus Himself, who prayed from the cross for forgiveness for the very ones who crucified Him. What a wonderful example of kindness He set for us!

Have a kind day!

Lord, thank you for all the blessings which you have so graciously provided in my life. Help me and all those taking this challenge to be generous, giving, and considerate with others today and everyday. Please show us good deeds to do and empower us to do them. Let Your light of glory shine through our works. Amen.

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