"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Art Gallery

Since I began this blog, I have wanted to add a little slideshow art gallery. Well, I finally did. I borrowed my wonderful husband's camera (without asking, then I forgot to turn it off... I'm so glad he loves me and forgives these things) and took some photos. They are not full works, but details of some of my favorite paintings (and one pen & ink drawing). All but one of these are hanging in our home. Some day I'll get my sweetheart to take good digital photos of all my artwork and scan the slides of the work that I no longer have.

It's amazing how I live with these paintings and walk past them daily; but when I place them in a new setting like the slideshow I gain a new appreciation for them. It just goes to show how we can so easily take precious things for granted and need to wake ourselves up every now and again. Not that my paintings are that precious in general, but they are to me and my family. I see them as a testimony of God's love for me. I am very grateful for His gifts.

My new painting is coming along well. I've made quite a bit of progress in the last week or so. It has reached the point where I know that it will work. The underpainting is complete, all the elements are in place and I know where to go from here. I'm sure it still has a few surprises for me. I think that might be fun. It used to terrify me. I am beginning to realize that I don't control the painting and make it what I want it to be. I find the painting. It seems that Michelangelo said something similar about sculpting. He found the sculpture in the rock. OK, I will have to look that up now to learn what he actually said.... Actually I found several quotes on the subject, but here is the one I was probably thinking of: “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”

The quote by Fra Angelico (an early Italian Renaissance painter) that is at the top of my blog has had a great impact on me. I have been purposing to pursue calm and peace. And I am purposing to live with Christ. Yes, He is always with me; but I must be continually aware of His presence. I must not take His precious companionship for granted. I must pay attention to Him. Life is so much better when I do.

I hope you enjoy the little art gallery. It is a reflection of my heart and my life.

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