"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Faith for the Journey

photo by Rick Welch

So, I am home from a wonderful 3 days in Galveston. I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm refreshed and I'm at peace. I learned some interesting things during this trip. #1: 95 SPF spray-on sunscreen is actually clear lacquer that never dries and sticks to everything! #2: It is worth getting up at 5am to go on a sunrise photo shoot with my husband. #3: All it takes to make Quinten happy is a new hat. #4: Jessey loves the smell of the sea. #5: I can hear the Lord's voice so much clearer when I am out from under the pressures of daily life. #6: Journeys are best taken by faith.

Last Sunday, I had vacation on my mind. With it being Father's Day, I began remembering vacations that I took as a child.  My earliest memory of a family trip was to Yellowstone Park. I had no idea where Yellowstone Park was, how long it would take to get there or how much money it would cost to go. I didn't need to know these things because Daddy knew. All I had to do was get in the car. Daddy knew exactly where we were going, how to get there, how long it would take and he paid for it all. I trusted him completely with all the details. I just followed along, did what I was told and enjoyed the journey.

When I was a teenager, my family took a trip to Colorado right after Christmas. By then, I could read a map and I wanted to know where we were going and how we would get there. Dad answered all my questions. I knew there would be snow and we would be traveling through Wolf Creek Pass. I knew that could be risky, but I also knew that my Dad was watching the weather very closely and using wisdom during the journey. I trusted him to keep us safe. Sure enough, when the locals said that a big storm was headed in and the pass would likely be closed, Dad headed us home.

It amazed me to remember the faith that I had when I was younger. Somewhere along the way of growing up, I took on all the responsibilities of my life and assumed control. I became the adult who had to have all the answers. How often I forget that I have a Heavenly Father who has the journey of my life planned. He has promised to light my path, lead me, supply my needs, give me wisdom and protect me from danger. I just have to trust Him and allow Him to do those things for me.

As my guys and I prepared for our recent vacation, I noticed that Jessey and Quinten did not ask many questions. They never looked at a map. They never asked what anything cost. They trusted that Rick and I would take care of all the details. As we began our journey, I purposed in my heart to trust my Father. During the trip, whenever stress or worry tried to come, I would turn my thoughts to Him and hear His comforting voice.

"Lord, what if we have a car accident?"
"I will protect you"

"Lord, Rick's going out too far in the water...what if...?"
"He will be fine. I am with him."

The Lord was with us during the entire vacation. His peace and comfort were nearer than my own breath. I relaxed and rested in Him. I looked out across the ocean and knew that He loves me. Rick marveled at how that vast amount of water comes so far, then stops. If God can govern the oceans, the tides, and the orbits of all the planets, surely He can handle my life.

I now see my life as a journey that I don't have to fret over. The Lord is with me. Yes, there are things that I must do to keep my life on His path; but He orders my steps. I am going to trust Him to lead me and guide me every step of the way. He can lead and guide my sons and my husband too. It's not my job. Yes, I can offer wisdom and guidance; but I don't have to be in control. How wonderful.

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