"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Monday, June 7, 2010

No More Lying Sticky Notes!

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. – Romans 12:2

I believe one of the biggest hindrances we face as Christians is that our self-image does not agree with our Father’s image of us as written in His Word. I have spent the past several years gradually working to replace my own self-image with the truth. It has been a battle, especially lately. The Lord has been trying to get a new concept across to me and I just haven’t been getting it. The concept is this: there is no {insert negative here}. The Word tells us that there is no fear in love… (John 4:18) and there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus… (Romans 8:1). When we are in Christ, in love, things like fear and condemnation do not exist for us, unless we allow them to. OK, this has been a tough one for me to wrap my little mind around. But, yesterday, the Lord gave me a revelation that I believe will be a new weapon.

I woke up meditating on this concept again yesterday. Then I went to church and listened to Pastor Linda’s sermon on the benefits of our battle. As she was preaching, I began to see a visual that helped me to better understand this concept.

I saw myself covered with dull, yellow sticky notes that said things like “not good enough,” “afraid,” “rejected,” “chronic depressive” and so forth. All of these sticky notes were negative things that I had been labeled with throughout my life. Then I began to see how they got there. I saw someone come up to me and make a negative remark and shove a sticky note toward me. Their remark was written on the note. I simply took the note from them and stuck it on myself. I began to realize that throughout my life, I had taken these sticky notes from all kinds of influences – family, friends, teachers, books, doctors, television, and the nonsense that the enemy has put directly in my own thoughts.

Then came the real revelation. These influences could not put the sticky notes on me. That was impossible. The notes were not real until I accepted them. I had to take the note from them and put it on myself. I had to receive it. So, what would happen if I didn’t take it from them? With my spiritual eyes I could see people all around me, waving these notes at me and expecting me to take them. I refused. Then I saw myself open my Bible and read. Doing so caused all those influences to fade away. As I read, I would pull off an old yellow sticky note and take a bright blue one from my Bible and place it on myself.

I know that replacing all the old yellow notes with new blue ones is a process. But, I can start by not receiving any new yellow ones. I have a divine right to say no to any influence that disagrees with the Word of God, no matter the source. I am purposing in my heart to be even more watchful about those things that are spoken to me, things that I read, things that I see and the thoughts in my mind. I intend to be quick to discern and turn down any label that does not agree with the Word. This revelation has given new meaning to 2Corinthians 10:5…

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

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