"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Painting the Path

This afternoon I worked on my latest oil painting. I started out very stiff and "what do I do here?" Rick was secretly laughing at me (I know he was). Then I declared, "Oh my goodness, just play and have fun with it! The fate of the universe does not rest on how this painting turns out!" After that - bliss! I played with colors and brush strokes and took some risks. I ENJOYED MYSELF! Imagine that! I ended up with a very fun little stone path that I am really tickled with. Here's a picture of it to whet your appetite and make you wonder, "what is she painting?" We'll see if it's still around when the painting is finished....

And another first has been reached. I took the pic with my droid phone and uploaded it directly to Picasa. Ta da! Another step towards geekhood! I needed a positive after my mishap earlier. I received my first comment on my blog. Yay! I received an email about it and told it to "Publish". Alas, the comment never published and is floating somewhere in cyberspace. Poor disembodied little comment. I have tried to recover it, but failed (sigh). I know it's my own fault, because I changed some settings to my blog just after publishing. Another reason I should never multi-task.

Anyway..... I will resurrect the comment here. It was from my precious friend Michelle. She said, "I love your background image! It is really pretty." Yes, she really said that. I am not making it up (Jessey, I know you are thinking that). So, thank you very much Michelle! The image is a detail of a seascape painting that is hanging in my bedroom.

Speaking of Michelle... she is an amazing, gifted, sweet, all-around-wonderful young woman that I met at Empowering Life Church (our home church). She is less than half my age (eek! that makes me feel ancient), yet we have so much in common. She is an inspiration to me and a great blessing to my life.

Wow, I meandered down the stone path and found... Michelle! Cool! And I seem to be on this dot thing tonight...for some...reason. Anyway..... I painted today! I am very content and there is a peace with myself that is luxurious. No wonder why the Lord is always telling me to go paint. He truly knows what is best for me. I'm beginning to understand the whole blogging directive, too. In just two days of blogging, I'm inspired again. The creative process of setting up the blog, looking at my artwork to decide what to include, browsing the blogs of other artists, and writing (a whole creative force in itself) has stirred up the gift that is within me. Thank you, Lord, for getting me back on the path.

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