"Art requires much calm, and to paint the things of Christ one must live with Christ..." - Fra Angelico

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Word

(Very busy day today, so here is something from back in 2002...)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1 (KJV)
All scripture is given by inspiration of God… - 2 Timothy 3:16 (NKJV)

Reading God’s Word is such a privilege and a pleasure to me. The Bible is an amazing creation! Having survived countless ages and languages, it has influenced more people than any other writing in history. I see it not just as a historical document, but also as a legal document that describes our covenant with Almighty God. It is not just great literature, but also a personal love letter from a Father to His beloved children.

The Word of God is a spectacular tapestry that stretches from eternity to eternity. Word by word, stitch by stitch, written and woven by God through the hands of mighty men of faith. Vibrant with patterns and colors that shift and return with divine precision. From prophets to kings. From bondage to freedom. From sacrificial red to purification white. It is a living presence that dwells before our eyes, in our minds and within our spirits.

Praise be to God for His wondrous Word! Through His Word we receive encouragement, instruction, comfort, guidance, joy and peace. It brings strength to the weary and hope to the desperate. The Word is the eternal embodiment of His everlasting Love.

Father, I pray for wisdom and revelation as I read Your Word. Open the eyes of my understanding so that I may know You more intimately.

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